Valentine Gift

Ryeowook Super Junior Clay figure

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Family Garden


Anjing kesayangan namanya Uprit

Family garden

Bahan clay

I started making clays since I was a little girl playing with my playdough. In 2009, I started to make my hobby become an artwork business until today. 

I like to shop and try many clay tools for my artwork, so I can keep on innovate a better and modern design. 

I have experience many clay types like paper clay, resin clay, polymer, etc
They come with different texture. 

Oven bake clay

Air Dry Clay.

Pinset 16cm

Dotting tool

Sculpey 5 in 1 tools

some of my tools

Boss bakmi

Clay ini saya buat pakai airdry polymer clay. Di request sesuai gambar vectornya, posisi harus bisa gelayutan di pingir mangkok.

 tadaa percobaan pertama. Clay ini mengalami penurunan warna jadi lebih gelap dan penyusutan ukuran.

Clay ke 2 saya buat pakai airdry jumping tapi belum sempat foto. Hehe



So Ji Sub

Every love story is beautiful. But our's is my favorite


May i call u mine?
Appreciating u is my duty
Raise a happy life with me
Run away together
Year by year, we will be together
Make u the happiest girl
End up together forever
Marry me

Here's wishing u many happy moments with the little one 👪